ok i will start posting the weekly riddles whoever gets the most correct by saturday gets a prize at the snack table. GOOD LUCK!!!
Riddle #1
you are heading to a village and you come to a fork in the road. you do not know which way the village is but lucky for you there are 2 guys standing there. one always lies and one always tells the truth but you do not know which one is which, they do not want to help you so they will not lead you to it but they will allow you to ask ONE of them ONE question. what do you ask?
Riddle #2
If there are three cups of sugar and you take one away, how many do you have?
Riddle #3
What can travel around the world while staying in a corner?
Riddle #4
How can you put a giraffe in the fridge in 3 steps?
How can you put a elephant into the fridge in 4 steps?
There was a party in the jungle and all the animals were there but one wasn't - which animal was it?
There was a crocodile infested swamp - and these two hunters wanted to get across - how? (There was no boat or anything)
riddle #4 the last part, they just stepped on the alligators
ooooo I know number 2!!!!!
#2 is you would have 1 cup of sugar
Joel says: #1 Ask either one, "Will the other guy tell me this (point one way) is the wrong way?"
#2 You have one
#3 a stamp
#4 open the door, put the giraffe in, close the door
open the door, take out the giraffe, put the elephant in, close the door
the elephant is not at the party - he's in the fridge - duh!
the hunters can swim across because all the animals are at the party including the alligators!
WOW joel is smart!!! do you know how long i've been trying to figure out number one?
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