Friday, January 28, 2011

Gooday Scallywags! Why don't ya Blabber to Yer Mates About Whats Going on this Weekend Aye!

Translation: Hey everybody! Lot's of fun stuff is happening this weekend starting tonight! Tell everyone about it!

Today is friday and you know what that means... BIBLE STUDY! Tonight there's a catch, we are having a fun night-potluck! So bring drinks or a dish to share and be ready to have some fun! (This is happending at both Josh and Alainna's house AND Tyler and Shaunna's house!)

Tomorrow is Saturday and of course, there is Youth at 6:00pm, but it's important that you come to prayer at 5:15pm. You get a chance to really connect with God and meet new people before youth starts.
(This week we are going out to eat for some fellowship after youth, so bring some extra money!)

Sunday there is both morning and evening services at 10:00am and 6:00pm as always, so come ready to hear from God (and bring a friend :-D)!

To bring things to an end, lets see who can answer this question, just comment below:-)

Why did the broccoli invite the mushroom to the party?

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