Friday, April 30, 2010

Youth Spotlight: Rachel S.

My name is Rachel Surratt. I grew up in my whole life! My 8th grade year I really went all the way for God. I was made fun of because of the church I went to and for telling people about Jesus. That only lasted a year because I was going into high school. I felt the need to be popular by any means. I back-slid my freshman year in high school. I started hanging out with the wrong crowd and trying new things, and having a sip of this and that. I thought getting high was the "cool" thing. I had an attitude toward my parents. I hated them! I couldn't stand being around them. I used my mom because I was so wrapped up in fashion. I hated this church and became bitter to people that did me wrong. My plan was to get out when I turned 18, but God got a hold of me. He let me know that He loved me and cared. December '07 I gave my life to God. I lost many friends but God was still there. He restored my family and my relationship with them. My mom is my best friend and I love all of them! I'm now 19, I'm still in this church and serving God! My life hasn't been perfect and I've been through trials and tribulations, but I got up. God's hand has never been too short. I love Him so much! Don't give up on God because He hasn't given up on you!


Anonymous said...

Miss Debbie says:

Praise God for Rachel! An old song says: "I can see in you, the glory of my King" that's what I see in your smile, your humility, and your example. You are a blessing!

Chantelly said...

Love you chiz!

Anonymous said...

I think it's pretty amazing hearing other peoples testamonies. Its so encouraging to see others strugged with the samething as you. To many times we just assume we are the only ones who have gone through a paticular trial, but knowing God has lead others out gives my hope and builds my faith. I want to thank every one who has given their testemony, no matter what it is, it is changing lives and hearts. Thanks!