Thursday, April 29, 2010

eff wie eye (fyi)

Hey teens, just some info for the weekend.
A reminder that 'revival study' is going to be at the Collins' tomorrow night, and the topic is Azusa Street.
Pastor Jason asked if we could help them out on an outreach Saturday. We need to be there at 11am, so if you could plan on being at the church @ 10:00. They will feed us lunch, and we will be back in plenty of time for youth, because yes, we are going to have an awesome service that night that you won't want to miss!
Plan on meeting with your PBC leaders in the very near future. Now that the groups are done, we are go, go, go!
Lastly, remember to set some time apart for fasting and prayer in the next week as Pastor Paul requested. Seeking God and doing true spiritual warfare for our churches. Lets contend for greater things!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

!!!SWEETNESS!!! It's finally here! (PBC that is...)

-Chesty Ruggy Rugg
-Richard Whiting