Youth Spotlight: Elena Moya
"I was raised Catholic in New Mexico. My mom and my dad got a divorce when I was two and dad had moved away. I did not understand it completely until I grew up, then it was my excuse for everything. I did not understand the way God worked from a young age because I thought if God was real He would have a dad for me and have everything would be a fairy tale. Reality struck, and I got into drugs and played around with them for I while. I built up a wall before God because I got so mad at Him and blamed everything on Him. I did not want anything to do with Him. Until one day I sat there, in my garage, and thought what would happen if I would hang myself. Tears running down my face, I began to look for a rope but something told me no that day. I put up a front and acted like everything was alright. I was the type of girl who did not trust anyone and did not want anyone to care. Even though my life was crashing down on me I still managed to put that smile on my face. The spirit of suicide was pressed against me I almost did it, too many times to count. Than out of nowhere my dad went to jail and I felt that it was my fault. Meanwhile my dad got saved and wanted me to go to youth camp. So I went, went through the motions. I did not think God could touch me after all I did, and nothing changed. I went back home and the world still went by with all the heart ache. Anyways I went back the second year for camp and got delivered, set free, all things passed away. I was set on fire with the Holy Ghost. I did not have any of the burdens, no worries because God already paid them for me. I’m not going to lie it was a struggle going back home and still trying to be a vessel for God. There were the times of the rush of Gods hand on me and other times when I black slid. The devil came at me in dreams and with suicide. So for the third year of camp I decided not to go for whatever reason. But by the grace of God I got an opportunity to move up here(to Colorado). I've grown so much spiritually and still am. I just want to bring His name glory." ~Elena M.
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