"When I was little it seemed like the devil was attacking me and my family really bad. When I was four, my parents fought every single day. Then when I was six my brother almost died, when I was seven my parents got divorced because my dad was unfaithful. When I was eight my dad got remarried. Then when I was twelve my dad and step mom almost got divorced because he was unfaithful again. I tried to stay strong but all that happened just pulled me down. I became rebellious and started cursing at school but I played the Christian game at church. I started to become depressed and contemplated suicide but there was something in me that told me to hold on; I know that it was God. At the 2008 youth camp[Life], God really touched my life and I got really saved. A couple weeks ago the devil tried get me again with stuff that was happening with my dad but i trusted God to hold me and keep me and I kept strong. I'm going all the way for God no matter what happens."
~Taylor L.
Right on Taylor! You keep going forward (as hard as it may seem at times), and watch what our God will do!
I am so proud of you Taylor!!!! You a such a beautiful girl and God has such a huge plan! KEEP IT UP GIRL!
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