So you know the drill. But there's three riddles this time!
1)You ponder and think
and try not to sink
you stumble over these words
till they drive you absurd.
What am I?
2)Which sentence is correct:
Three times two IS seven.
Three times two Are seven.
3)If 5+3+2 is 151022
And 9+2+4 is 183652
And 8+6+3 is 482466
And 5+4+5 is 202541
Then what does 6+3+5 equal?
1: A riddle
2: Neither, 3x2=6, not 7. And when saying it it is either "Three times two IS six" or more likely "Three times two EQUALS six"
3: 183045
ok did you figure them out on your own or did you look them up?
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