Hey guys! Whether you're a blogger or not, I find it very disappointing to go on the blog and see that nothing has been posted! Does anybody have any fun ideas for things to put on the blog?
Anyways... This weekend, we aren't doing anything extra, "We gonna have fun" in a good, old fashioned YOUTH SERVICE!!! Wherein there is going to be a GUEST SPEAKER! Who? I don't know. That, is why you need to be there! YAY!
HAve a good weekend everybody, and when you get a chance, hand out a tract, tell someone about JESUS!
-*More pictures*
-*More videos* (on the blog, not our YouTube channel. makes it easier for some people)
-Jokes that are funny
-Interviews with Pastors/Headship (w/ pics, maybe vids)
-Links to cool sites (like games)
-More coverage on what has happened and whats coming up
-Add .pdf downloads of the calendars every month
-Countdown widgets to large, upcoming events (I.E. LazerQuest)
-Weekly/Monthly scripture. and why it was chosen by who posted it.
-Weekly/Monthly random fact.
The colors are pretty cool when people post. But also try using different fonts every now and then.
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