Monday, March 29, 2010

VWO Mexico

(Pastor Salvador leading a band)

Hello From Mexico! On Saturday I was priveleged enough to go to one of our baby churches in Mexico City. This church is ran by Pastor Salvador and they recently finished building their church building. The church is located in one of Mexico City´s poorest, hardest, sinful areas in town and as we all know thats where Victory World Outreach likes be!

Tonight we were having a concert. The other church from Mexico City was bringing a couple bands to rock the place out and support the new baby church. As a result there were over 40 visitors! Many people gave their testimonies and I am still always amazed by what God has done in so many lives around the world. One lady didn´t have any kidneys and the doctors told her every two days that she only had 48 hours to live - 6 years later she is still alive! God is good! At the end they did a 20 minute long drama - I know it was funny because people were crying laughing. Then when they were wrapping up the drama and the cast was about to get saved the pastor turned around and had everyone in the place bow their heads and close theirs eyes. 3 minutes later over 60 people were down at the altar giving their lives to Christ!

I was so amazed to see a church so far from Colorado doing EXACTLY what we do! God is still in the miracle business and we are on fire!

Pray for the churches here! Its a rough city but we have the mightiest weapon! Here is a list of the three pastors I met that we need to pray for, I will add the others as soon as I know their names and cities!

Mexico City:
Pastor Fuentes and family

Pastor Salvador and family

Xalpa (pronounced halapa):
Pastor Efrain and family

My mom and the Fuentas family singing their hearts out

The church from the up stairs prayer room