Friday, April 30, 2010

Youth Spotlight: Rachel S.

My name is Rachel Surratt. I grew up in my whole life! My 8th grade year I really went all the way for God. I was made fun of because of the church I went to and for telling people about Jesus. That only lasted a year because I was going into high school. I felt the need to be popular by any means. I back-slid my freshman year in high school. I started hanging out with the wrong crowd and trying new things, and having a sip of this and that. I thought getting high was the "cool" thing. I had an attitude toward my parents. I hated them! I couldn't stand being around them. I used my mom because I was so wrapped up in fashion. I hated this church and became bitter to people that did me wrong. My plan was to get out when I turned 18, but God got a hold of me. He let me know that He loved me and cared. December '07 I gave my life to God. I lost many friends but God was still there. He restored my family and my relationship with them. My mom is my best friend and I love all of them! I'm now 19, I'm still in this church and serving God! My life hasn't been perfect and I've been through trials and tribulations, but I got up. God's hand has never been too short. I love Him so much! Don't give up on God because He hasn't given up on you!

Bible Study: At the Collins'

Directions to Josh Collins' House For Bible Study Tonight!
Address: 1333 Saratoga Drive Colorado Springs, CO
From the church:
Take Academy to Fountain
Left at Fountain
Left at Chelton
Right on Saratoga

Don't forget to study to get the most out of the night!

Here is what to study:

The outpouring of the Holy Ghost at Azusa Street Mission in Los Angeles , California was a revival that occurred in the early twentieth century. It began April 9, 1906 and lasted until 1909. This revival is considered to be the beginning of the modern Pentecostal movement. From it, many Pentecostal denominations were formed and the Holiness-Pentecostal movement spread to the far reaches of the world.

You will probably find enough info on this to talk about for a couple weeks, but we'll try to keep it to one. Look for specific stories that happened during the revival as well; those are always great to hear.
Pray that what you find will stir you to seek God all the more; if you feel a desire to call on God after reading anything you find, then go to your bedroom and do so.
When You said, "Seek My face", my heart said, "Your face Lord will I seek." Psalm 27:8

Thursday, April 29, 2010

eff wie eye (fyi)

Hey teens, just some info for the weekend.
A reminder that 'revival study' is going to be at the Collins' tomorrow night, and the topic is Azusa Street.
Pastor Jason asked if we could help them out on an outreach Saturday. We need to be there at 11am, so if you could plan on being at the church @ 10:00. They will feed us lunch, and we will be back in plenty of time for youth, because yes, we are going to have an awesome service that night that you won't want to miss!
Plan on meeting with your PBC leaders in the very near future. Now that the groups are done, we are go, go, go!
Lastly, remember to set some time apart for fasting and prayer in the next week as Pastor Paul requested. Seeking God and doing true spiritual warfare for our churches. Lets contend for greater things!


Tuesday, April 27, 2010


I am wondering... what image(s) come to mind when you hear the word 'remnant'?

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Pueblo: Can't Be Beat!

Last night a few of us youth packed into my little Camry and drove down to Pueblo to visit Pastor Jason's church and join in on their bible study! We had so much fun! We got to meet about 5 of their teen guys and they were so much fun! Josh led the bible study and talked about God's promises in our lives and how when we get saved ALL the promises become ours. Things like "I will never leave you nor forsake you" or "All things work out for the good to those who love God". Everyone got really involved and at the end one boy gave his life to Christ!

Then came game time. And knowing Aaron and Josh all of those who have been to Tyler's bible study the past couple weeks might be able to guess what game we played first...FREEZE. We were a bit hesitant that no one would get involved and we would end up watching Aaron and Josh act out one of their scenes the whole time - but within seconds the guys started jumping in and even Josh and Aaron couldn't act out a scene for longer than 30 seconds...that's how it should be!

Once freeze started getting old we broke out the SPOONS! It wasn't too intense of a game but it was fun! No one had really played it before but we had a blast.
At the end of it all we all made some really good friends with the Pueblo church!

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Boot Camp Buddies

Well, it has been posted. Who and where for PBC year deaux. What an exciting task it was spending about four hours total trying to piece together everyone; who wants to go with who? who wants to go where? which one is more important? how was their essay? what number were they turning in their form? are they going to get along? All for one end result - to bring together a group of teens that will be a force in that city for the Kingdom of God. We hope you are happy and content with where you were placed.
Obviously, not everyone could get exactly what they wanted, but we hope that you all will have the attitude that many of you wrote in your essay - a desire to simply do something for God. If it's not, then simply check your heart. 'God am I going for the right reason if I'm so upset that I'm not going here or with this person?' Don't worry, God can and will use you where you are, and give you an awesome week with fellow teens you never would have guessed are so flippin' sweet! And be confident that if indeed the cry of your heart is to do something for God, you will not be disappointed. God will do exceeding abundantly above all that you can ask or think, according to the power that works in YOU! It's not the location or the friends around that will make the week great, it's the attitude of your heart.
So be prepared to start meeting with your leaders and gearing up for a great week which will be here in no time. As we announced, all things are subject to change, so don't get too comfortable where you are. As things come together, they may have to change, including you or those in your group, so be ready. We ask that you all make it a point to bring Pioneer Boot Camp before God each day in prayer. Contend for dominion in these streets we will be walking. Push back the gates of hell so that the Kingdom of God will be established. Ask the Holy Spirit to prepare hearts to receive the things in store, for God to send His Power and Glory in the cities we will be going to, and Jesus Christ, the King of Glory, to be lifted up as a banner of Truth and Salvation.


Friday, April 2, 2010

Weekly riddles

okay here are some really cheesy ones that i got so here we go!

#1 - why was the broom late for work?

#2 - what goes up but never comes down?

#3 - What has 10 letters that starts with gas?

#4 - What are the strongest days of the week?